New version of EasyMenu 1.5

Dmytro   2013-06-11

Dear users! I'm glad to announce the release of the new version of EasyMenu 1.5.

EasyMenu is the application which plans weekly menu and generates the shopping list. The menu planner allows planning the menu for a week in detail, or generating a random menu - or anything in between! This saves a lot of time, money and effort.

EasyMenu has many features, some of which make it unique (e.g. Random menu generator and sharing menu in most popular Social Networking sites, like Twitter, MySpace and Facebook).

Main features of EasyMenu are:

  • Cookbook where you can add all your favorite recipes
  • New recipes are easy to add and edit
  • Menu can be generated randomly or edited manually
  • Only marked recipes from the recipes' list are included in the generated menu
  • Ready menu, Shopping list as well as the description of all menu's recipes can be printed and shared
  • The shopping list for the ready menu is automatically generated and can be edited
  • Menu can be generated for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, or for any combination of these three

Detailed description with different screenshots can be found here.

EasyMenu 1.5 will not require Internet access after it is installed, but some functions such as searching for pictures through Google or sharing your menu are possible only when there is a working Internet connection.

The application requires Windows XP/Vista/7, Linux or MacOS.

Starting from EasyMenu 1.5 the full version is available only after the payment. The full version has the following additional features:

  • User's account with your recipes is saved on the server and can be accessed from any computer after login
  • Several recipes can be added for any meal
  • All ingredients are linked to the USDA SR24 for correct calorie and nutritions count
  • Summary page helps to monitor daily nutrition and calories intake
  • Recipes are accessible online through the web browser
  • Edited and deleted recipes are accessible online through the web browser

Comparison of the free and full (paid) versions of EasyMenu 1.5 can be found here.

Detailed description of the full version with different screenshots can be found here.

For the users of the previous version of the application it will be useful to read these instructions of how to move your cookbook from EasyMenu 1.4 to EasyMenu 1.5.